She’s a fellow Hungarian girl from Budapest we are very proud of without even knowing her. She dropped her secure job and convenient life for a breathtakingly exciting adventure around the world.
She calls herself the “Female Yeti”, and her website is the Solo Female Adventure Blog. We bumped into her on one Facebook post and fell in love with her bucket list. You can feel the weight of the time it took only to jot them down. Not many people dare to collect, not to mention going after ever day and trying to pull out every single one of these items. Well done, girl!
She realised that plans, commitments, deadlines are not for her and she didn’t want to wait until retirement to pursue her passion… travelling around the world! We guess it sounds familiar to many of us, still, only a handful of people jump out of their comfort zones and into the adventure to conquer the world!
She is in Vietnam now, hopefully alive, living the enjoyable but hard life of a travel blogger.
Source: Facebook – Female Yeti
Good luck and share your life with us! It looks like a passion that we eagerly follow!
“We don’t live to eat and make money. We eat and make money to be able to enjoy life. That is what life means, and that is what life is for.”
We, the team of STAG Emporium, wish you good luck! Collect great memories and live in the moment!
Just one question, how will you rename the blog when you stop being solo?